About Us

We connect buyers and sellers locally, and across Sri Lanka. SmartMarket.lk is a free classified website where you can buy and sell almost everything.

As a seller, you can post classified ads to advertise your items for sale.

As a buyer, you can find the best deals and offers online anytime. If you're looking for a car, house, mobile phone, computer, toy or knick-knack, you can find it on SmartMarket.lk. It's fast, simple and free. There are no fees and, you don't even need to register!

Business concept
SmartMarket.lk shall provide the simplest, most effective and secure marketplace to Buy & Sell in Sri Lanka.

Who we are
SmartMarket.lk is owned and operated by Sirius Alpha (Pvt) Ltd. Sirius Alpha is a high tech online market company where the major strategy is to offer high quality online marketplaces around the world. Sirius Alpha has its Headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka.